Samora Machel the first president of Mozambique said, "as criancas sao as flores que nunca morcham", Children are the flowers that never wilt. In a few year the will be no flowers in Africa, the ones that will still be alive will be orphans.
Due to poverty and no education Africans believe in traditional treatment. Some believe in One is infected with HIV and have sex with a virgin, One will become free of the disease. Other don't believe in using condoms and by doing this many women get infected in the continent. This mentality in making more victims in Africa.
The government is not doing a great Job, in the case of Mozambique, there is more publicity to tourism in the country them projects to prevent and educate about HIV. Opening more and more Hotels. It is great that the country is growing and that with tourism there will be more money, maybe to help more HIV positive people. However there is a big MAYBE.
Opera opened in South Africa a Million dollar School for kids, How many HIV positive Kids could have had be helped. Not to say that the opening of the school was not a great present to the Kids of the Community, only that sometimes we must start small.
Something that i think that we all should see.
Angels In The Dust
In the documentary on Man says: WE busy during the week, bury on the weekends, sometimes on Saturday i can go to 3 funerals in the one day...I already lost count of how many funerals i have went to since the beginning of this year.
By the year 2010, 100 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa will be infected with HIV/AIDS, and 26 million children will be orphaned as a result of the virus. In South Africa alone, six million adults and children are infected, but the government has turned a blind eye to the mounting pandemic.
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