Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Farm (continuation)

Going back to my farm.
I have being trying to research about sustainable Agriculture. It is an overwhelmed task. 
I found a paper that proposed a improvement of the Vegetables Farms in South Uruguay. 
I will try to take some of the ideas for my own farm.  

A lot of work , and it seams more because i am not at the field. I am just researching here in my desk, but the main goal is that one day i will implement, this plan. 

Why Vegetables ? Mozambique import vegetables. we are capable to produce and sustain all the internal market. So one of the reasons why Vegetable. The other one is that we have eat more healthier, African countries have malnutrition problems. Maybe by producing more vegetable that problem can decrease .

Some points that i came across. 

No use of chemical fertilizers ..... all Natural .. maybe i will have a better market if all the products are ORGANICs. 

"sustainable development implies that the productive capacity of the resource base has to be maintained to guarantee stable or increasing production in the future. Sustainable may be interpreted as the degree to which a set of objectives in different domains e.g. economics, environment, landscape and equity in satisfied"   

So sustainable agriculture is more than just the vegetable it all about the community all the direct and indirect stakeholder. 

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