Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What is to be......

What does make us from a country ?

Is it important to be from a country. 
What is to be an American, an Portuguese, a Chinese, an Iraqi or a Mozambican. In this global society are we losing what is to be from a certain nationality ? 
If someone asks you to tell what is that makes you an American, or a Mozambican , what would you say. It is because some one was born in that country that makes a person a Mozambican or a Tanzanian. I am trying to figure it out, to point, what is that makes me a Mozambican. What are the specific characteristic that makes Me a Mozambican. 
We all scream lough and proud in from *** or i am from ***.  But in this mixes world can we really pint point what is that makes us from Mozambique or England. 

If a Nigerian , come to study in the USA, after his studies he get married. Has a son is born in the USA. The family moves after some time to China. The son will consider himself a Nigerian , an American or with time will he be more Chinese !!!!

What is that makes us so uniquely from a place . 


BethOC said...

I think what makes me American is my idea that everything is available..that no barriers stand in my way and I take this for granted. I also assume I have the right to disagree or agree whenever I feel like it.

I think that is why I want to do work all over the world. I think it is important to have a nationality, but for me it is more important to have a true sense of self--wherever that may come from.

Unknown said...

Krido, I won't answer your question I'll just say that in my search for that answer I opted for being a "World Citizen".

your nigerian/american/chinese kid would probably feel the same way.

Its defnetely easier than trying to explain that your father is chilean and your mother is mozambican, yet the language you are more fluent in not spanish or portuguese but yes english!
