Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Fun Killer

"Alcoholism is In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes. "

Alc0holism is a silent killer in our societies... Government are concerning about Education, irradiation of poverty or HIV. These are very important issues in society, But we have to start to take in consideration this new or we can say old silent killer.

"The social problems arising from alcoholism can be significant. Being drunk or hung over during work hours can result in loss of employment, which can lead to financial problems including the loss of living quarters. Drinking at inappropriate times, and behavior caused by reduced judgment, can lead to legal consequences, such as criminal charges for Drunk Driving or public disorder, or civil penalties for Tortuous behavior. An alcoholic's behavior and mental impairment while drunk can profoundly impact surrounding family and friends, possibly leading to Marital conflict and Divorce, or contributing to Domestic Violence. This can contribute to lasting damage to the emotional development of the alcoholic's children, even after they reach adulthood. The alcoholic could suffer from loss of respect from others who may see the problem as self-inflicted and easily avoided"

As we can see alcoholism can be very danger to a growing society, it affect all the sector of a society. Creating an instable environment. It can be said that this phenomena can be the cause of poverty or vice versa and increasing the number of HIV infected persons.

In some society maybe it is a Taboo to talk about alcoholism, however I think that is very important that this Taboo has to be broken. Personally i know people that surfer from this disease but don't even know. They just think that they are having to much fun. People are starting to drink in a younger age and in stronger types of alcohol. The famous Vodka or tequila, it will kill or destroy the lives of many people in the years to come.

Alcoholism is a social problem, as like all the social problems it affects the society as a whole.


BethOC said...

I love your way with words and your observations about the world..
you are right. sometimes we do things to cover up what is really there and alcoholism is a form of that--a very dangerous one.

Avid said...

Interesting observation...
Bjs meus