Wednesday, April 2, 2008

THe 11 hour

I try to write everyday, but i don not. I have the ideas in my head but it still a process that i have to get used, the process of putting what i are think into paper. So every day that i write it is a new step in this long process.
So a few days ago, i watch the 11th Hour, a documentary about the 1 hour that we have to save our planet. We just have one hour. The documentary shows, how our human settlement here in this planet, is destructing the planet.
It was interesting to see, how we, people, see the nature separated of us. In reality we are as part of nature as the water and the air. If we are destroying the Nature we are auto-destroying...

But we still have this Hour, to try to change the course of History.

So it is important to me, to create or recreate a sustainable Plan to implement in this 200 hectares that i have(or want to have).

So I'm still researching.
however one thing i already know is that i have to plan trees. it is impressive how much water a tree can storage, and help to prevent floods..

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